Bye-Bye Stagnation Kit
Ready to find your NO. 1 BLINDSPOT
and get UNSTUCK in under 15 minutes?
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Before I met Jolanta, I felt I was running around in circles. I really wanted to move on but I couldn't.
Jolanta helped me to understand and release the true causes of my stagnation.I finally could feel my energy and power coming back to me and started pulling myself out of places and relationships which didn't serve me.

Joanna, University Lecturer

Silent is golden...
Today, I'm in charge of my life. I'm confident and conscious of my own needs. I respect myself and expect the same from the people around me. I'm in the course of de-cluttering my life, getting rid of all that doesn't serve me, including relationships. I no longer feel guilty but powerful.

Monica, Retired Teacher

Bye-Bye Stagnation Kit
Ready to find your NO. 1 BLINDSPOT
and get UNSTUCK in under 15 minutes?
Pop your details below
and get instant access now:
Before I met Jolanta, I felt I was running around in circles. I really wanted to move on but I couldn't.
Jolanta helped me to understand and release the true causes of my stagnation.I finally could feel my energy and power coming back to me and started pulling myself out of places and relationships which didn't serve me.
Joanna, University Lecturer
Today, I'm in charge of my life.
I'm confident and conscious of my own needs. I respect myself and expect the same from the people around me. I'm in the course of de-cluttering my life, getting rid of all that doesn't serve me, including relationships. I no longer feel guilty but powerful.
Monica, Retired Teacher